Some cards will cancel your credit for purchasing gambling chips. Also take note that if you use your credit card at the cashier to get a cash advance you better read the fine print on your card agreement.
Also by using your player card you can keep track of how much money you lose, not that you can deduct it from your taxes. If you play I recommend that you use your player card so when you lose lots of money you can get food comps or a very small percent of your cash back. So as you can see, it is really all about the CASINO. All the restaurants are nice and serve good food, not too overly priced and there is even a movie theater to send the kids to while you play. There is no pool or gym at the hotel and if you look at the AMENITIES & SERVICES on their web site you find that they have many ATM machines, check cashing and foreign exchange to make it convenient for you to get cash to blow in the CASINO. This property is fairly nice though not nearly as nice as their St.